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Why Every Business SHOULD Be Marketing On Linkedin

With over 390 Million members, and an average income of $120000 American, Linkedin has a ton of lead potential that is sorely underutilized. Linkedin has become the social network for businesses and job hunting, for the fact that it is designed and focused on connecting people to getting hired or doing business, rather than a hod podge of information being shared, like on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks.

Did you know much of the Fortune 500 and their senior leadership are Linkedin users? Every second, 13 new users sign up for an account. On Facebook, statistics say only about 1% of their users who engage a brand make a purchase as per this study. How much higher could the buying power be of a much more affluent market? This post will list the ways Linkedin can help your business increase leads, sales, and build the power of your brand.
Here are the reasons why every business SHOULD be marketing on Linkedin.

Why Every Business SHOULD Be Marketing On Linkedin

1. Lead Generation Opportunities

To generate leads on Linkedin, the best tactics involve a keyword rich profile within your niche, as well as actively prospecting or outsourcing prospecting of members of your network. These members of your network that you want to find, are ones that could potentially be interested in your product or service. The key is to be conversational and not jump immediately into your offering.

2. Increased Sales

These will result from your lead generation efforts, as well as activity in Linkedin groups when you put yourself out there. Like most social media marketing on other social networks, it increases your positioning as an authority on Linkedin.

3. More Business Partnerships

Increased accessibility and positioning will likely lead to more opportunities. These opportunities could be affiliate marketing, collaborations, or to being hired for work.

4. Increased Brand Awareness

Aside from being able to create a robust profile, Linkedin has many business oriented groups. In participating in a group on Linkedin, you get increased brand exposure from being active about curating and sharing content on Linkedin.
A common question I get is: How do these actions lead to more leads, sales, and a stronger brand? The answer is: It depends. You can use your Linkedin company profile as a place to refer people, and send them to your website, or you can directly engage prospects from your profile directly.
As you can see there are numerous benefits to using your Linkedin account as part of your digital marketing mix, and not just another social account.

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