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Cancer Alert

Cancer of the cervix is among the most common forms of the disease in women. Every year 500,000 women are detected with cervical cancer around the world. While the number of new cases declines in the United States and other western countries, it is the second most common type of cancer in developing countries of Asia, Africa and South America.
The cervix is the mouth of the uterus, which connects it to the vagina. Uncontrolled growth of cells in the lining of the cervix causes cancer. This is usually a slow process and the disease can sometimes take years to develop.
The exact cause of cervical cancer is not known but it is strongly associated with the presence of HPV or Human Papiloma Virus. There are several other conditions associated with cervical cancer such as multiple sex partners, poor hygiene, smoking, more than seven pregnancies and prolonged use of oral contraceptives. It is rarely seen in girls under the age of fifteen and appears to be more prevalent in certain ethnic groups such as Hispanics, Native Americans and African Americans. It has been observed that the incidence is lower in cultures where men are circumcised.
Early stages of cervical cancer do not have specific symptoms. It may be detected in the course of a routine PAP smear. Symptoms, which may occur as the disease progresses include unusual vaginal bleeding, foul smelling yellow vaginal discharge, low back pain, pain while passing urine or during intercourse. As the disease progresses it may lead to constipation, blood in the urine, and obstruction resulting in edema.
A vaginal examination and PAP smear are necessary to diagnose cancer of the cervix. A PAP smear can detect early changes in the cells of the lining of the cervix. Thus the disease can be identified even in the precancerous stage. Other tests such as blood tests, scans, colposcopy and cone biopsy help to determine the stage of the disease.
Treatment of cervical cancer depends entirely on the stage of the disease. Localized cancer of the cervix may be treated with cryosurgery, laser ablation or loop electrode excision. Surgery is often the treatment of choice if the cancer has spread. This may be followed by radiation and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy or radiation may be given singly or in combination, with or without surgery.
Chemotherapy and radiation may have side effects such as fatigue, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Doctors usually give medication to prevent or treat these side effects. The patient is called for regular follow up checks after completion of treatment.
Cancer of the cervix is one of those cancers with a high cure rate if detected early. Further it is a preventable disease as regular PAP smears can detect the condition even before it turns cancerous. Furthermore, a vaccine meant for young girls in now available that could significantly lower incidence of cervical cancer in the future. Certain life style changes can also reduce the likelihood of this once dreaded disease. The first world has shown the way – other countries will surely follow.

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