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Pain Management – It’s All In The Mind : bodhidharma

It is quite surprising that many doctors admit that placebos or fake drugs are commonly used as part of pain management.
What are Placebos?
Placebos are fictitious treatments administered by doctors who are relying on the patient’s ability to make himself well using the power of his mind. The practice of using placebos is not intended to mislead or dupe patients suffering from chronic pain or any illness for that matter. Though it is undeniably a deceptive procedure, it is nonetheless widely-accepted for its benefits and therapeutic effects which have been confirmed many times by studies and research. Placebo medication may come in the form of inert tablets, non-reactive creams and other procedures which are based on fabricated information that these might be able to help the patient. Through these procedures, patients are made to believe that their condition will improve or that their pain will diminish. This deceptive practice was first frowned upon as it was initially used by doctors to satisfy impatient and overly anxious patients. Today, doctors are still not allowed to use the procedure for that purpose. However, it can be used in curing or treating patients and helping them cope with their illnesses.
What is Placebo Effect?
Though it entails the use of non-reactive medications, placebos are powerful tools in pain management. The procedure is done by first administering placebos to patients suffering from chronic pain. Even when the so-called treatment or medication has no actual therapeutic value, the patient actually starts to feel better and some actually become pain-free. This occurrence is called the Placebo Effect. What really happens is that when people are conditioned or made to believe that taking a certain medication will make him better or will cure him of his pain, the very thought itself sparks a response in his brain. The positive response in his brain stimulates the production and release of endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that are produced by the pituitary gland which act like morphine. Endorphins prevent or relieve pain and provide a feeling of temporary euphoria.
What are the Disadvantages of the Placebo Effect?
Current studies from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternaive Medicine confirm that the use of placebos on patients suffering from pain can give significant advantages in terms of temporary pain reduction. However, reactions to placebos may vary from one person to another. One person’s response may not be as as potent as another person’s conditioned response. Since it is the response that directly affects the release of endorphins, there will be instances when some people will feel better while others will not.
Since using placebos is a fictitious form of treatment or therapy, patients who may opt to stick to their fake treatments are in danger of delaying real medical treatments. This delay may worsen the patient’s present condition. This predicament, however, does not apply to terminally ill patients who need pain management more than anything else.

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