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PIZZA... an ancient art in your successful business!

“Italian Pizza Courses” is the English partner of the renowned National Pizza School (SNP) and Italian Pizzerias Association. “SNP” qualification is recognized throughout Italy as the highest standard of training available. Based in Rome, The National Pizza School operates via 11 affiliated pizza colleges situated throughout Italy. All our instructors are qualified to award internationally recognised “SNP” diplomas.

“Italian Pizza Courses”, enables us to provide the full range of our SERVICES in English and Italian, anywhere in the world. Our fully qualified instructors deliver training in all aspects of the traditional Italian art of pizza making and our comprehensive course addresses key development skills tailored to the specifics of your business. We offer a complete package of instructions including the theory and practice for the highest quality pizza.

Our methods are in accordance with traditional practices developed in Italy since 1889 and we maintain a constant search for the most up-to-date studies in pizza. Our range of
SERVICES is ideal for those with an entrepreneurial interest in the catering industry.

“Italian Pizza Courses” believes in the use of fresh ingredients of the highest quality, aiming to provide the consumer with a healthy and delicious alternative to the ubiquitous, low quality frozen food.

Courses run in London, Rome and Catania (Sicily).

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