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Bengali girls

Bengali women are forbidden to fall in love. This to me is shocking. If you read my website about true love and marriage based on good morals and ideals. The fact is, I am a believer in defying tradition and finding your destiny. Even if it means to escape from your country and dishonor your parents. Yes be a disgrace to your parents if it means being with the one you love. I personally did something like this and won my wife’s hand in marriage and I have not ever for a second regretted it.
Marry a man or woman from another culture or race or religion, who cares it is your life and God will love you either way. Why be held as a slave to to convention when it comes to love?
From Bengal families arrange marriages for UK citizenship or a Visa. Or more often just for the honor of the family, but not for love. Here is a BBC special about Bengali girls for marriage. This post is mostly about letting you know what is going on in this part of India with this video.
Every good marriage begins in tears – Watch this film it is draws you in and this is why I wrote the bold statement that Begalis ladies are not allowed to fall in love.

I am not against arranged marriages at all. I just believe arranged marriages are for people who agree without reservation and their own free will, otherwise it slavery and submission, and not love .
Just how many Bengali girls are there who are single and willing?
Bengalis women straddle East India and Bangladesh or East Pakistan. There are about 30 million single Bengali girls in India and 5 million single females in Bangladesh looking for a life partner. There is also a sizable population of Bengali singles in Myanmar, the UK and the US also. Therefore, if you are looking for beautiful women from Bangal land there are more than you can imagine. Believe me, I can imagine a lot. The head of government in Bengal is even a woman, Mamata Banerjee.
These ladies culturally fit into the Vaishnava and Shakta customs with their native religion Hinduism. The are Indo-Aryan in ethic profile with many other people subtlety mixing in. There are Bengali Muslims also.
Ghotis,Paschimbangiyas,Edeshis are the from Paschimbanga and different from Purbabangiyas girls

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