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Ten Reasons Men Should Cook

Lots of men don’t cook. Some don’t have the first idea where to start, some would rather be watching the sport on TV and some still think that cooking is a woman’s job. But cooking is something every man should be able to do. Here are a few reasons why:
1. Cooking is a skill. If you can cook well, you have another string to your bow – or line for your resumé. People with different skills and a wide range of interests are more attractive to employers. Even if you’re not looking for a job right now, improving your skill-set will always benefit you in the future.
2. It gives you a chance to learn. Cooking is a great way of learning about different cultures and countries. It expands your horizons and could give you some ideas for travel.
3. Cooking is a lot of fun. There’s lots of scope for improvising, problem-solving and creativity. It’s a great way to unwind after a stressful day because it allows you to use energy on something positive.
4. Cooking is good for your health. Home-cooked food is generally healthier than fast food or even restaurant food because it’s easier to use low-calorie ingredients and keep an eye on the salt. Learning to cook helps to keep you in shape.
5. Cooking is cheap. Although it can take more time, cooking at home regularly costs less than eating out, even if you would mainly eat fast-food. You can cook a simple pasta-and-sauce dish for less than the price of a burger.
6. Women love a man who can cook. Women are used to being expected to cook, so when they find a man who is domesticated, creative and experienced in the kitchen, it’s very sexy (and a relief).
7. Learning to cook is about the next generation, not just you. When you cook and eat well, your younger siblings, relatives, friends and, yes, children all learn from you. By spending time in the kitchen you become an effective role model. This is great for them and great for your self-esteem!
8. Cooking doesn’t have to be a solitary job. One of the sexiest and most enjoyable things you can do with your clothes on is to cook with your partner. Of course, you can only do this if both of you can cook. Alternatively, cooking with a friend (and a few beers) is also a lot of fun.
9. If men cook on an almost or actually equal level with women, then they will appreciate the work involved in shopping, preparing, cooking and washing-up a lot more and will be much less likely to ignore the housework. So a man who does his share of housework is a sexy one!
10. There’s one more reason why men in particular should cook. Cooking involves lots of delicate, careful work using your hands. You need to be gentle, precise and careful when you are preparing good food. Many men simply aren’t used to this kind of work. So learning to be good with your hands is a real bonus of learning to cook. Delicate hands are sexy, romantic hands – so learning to cook can really have an impact on your relationship.
Cooking is a vital skill that can improve your health, love life and romantic life. Men – get those aprons on and get into the kitchen!

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