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Indian women and their relationship with their cell phone

I teach languages. I can not say that my female students are better with verbal communication, but I can say, they do like to talk more in class. I think this is because their brains have more connections in the verbal and audio centers than men. Why? Because they often are the ones responsible for transmitting language and speech to their children. Hence the term mother tongue.
 Indian girls mobile phone numbers 
Do you think girls from India will just post their mobile numbers on the Internet for you to call or text message them?

What does this have to do with getting mobile numbers from a Bangalore girl? Everything. Women like verbal communication in the same way men like surfing the Internet. Women like to talk and love cell phones. Men do not talk as much and prefer to think about the next steps and strategies in life and think in abstract way. Men use phones for business, unless then are talking to a lady of course.  Men are simply not as chatty. For example, I do not even own a cell phone, I just use a Skype. On the other hand, how often are you driving along and you see a girl talking her mobile walking down the street?
Indian women secretly do not mind using the telephone for a mysterious connection with some guy. The telephone is a natural invention for them.  I have had women friends say they had this happen to them. Some random guy sends them and SMS and they reply innocently or naively. They build a rapport and then even chat.  However, I have never heard of two people really meeting this way. Maybe they do not confess.
I have had guy friends find numbers of women and begin to SMS them under the pretense of a wrong number and strike up a rapport. I think at the end of the day women will not accept this as a reasonable way to meet a long-term partner, but maybe

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