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Bodhidharma, Father of Zen and Kung Fu

~It is all about where you are placed because this is what the intention is...and that intention is NOW in your present reality as this is what you wished~

Forever in my eyes and heart*

Forever in my eyes and heart*

I have traveled far for mountain high
To reach the clouds and kiss the sky
My heart has seen eternity there
With open arms to embrace and care
So I become of this, forever to be
My Love for new heights always to see


Tender moments*

Tender moments*

Moon of glow in passing night
Sunshine on the horizon, here in sight
Guidance from the Soul, darkness passed
Light and Love has come at last
What happiness, this Love I feel
Now it is with you, tender moments that I steal

Heart kept in your Soul*

Heart kept in your Soul*

Look at me with open eyes, your sins they have past
True test of Love, your Soul* with heart, did not make it last
You are Now safe within this, the feeling gets so strong
The heart you have within, gives this feeling where it belongs
Continuing with the moment, it brings more Love with each step
Now you know where heart is, it is with your Soul* where it is kept

Satisfied search of Love*

Satisfied search of Love*

Oh passion, give me passion, my heart yearns for you
I have searched the world over, to find a Lover so true
Please more and more I walk this unknown world
Hopefully seeking the flower, that the bloom has unfurled
For in this that I search and open heart can be
I know that Love is within your heart, and will Now satisfy me

To be bright is to be free*

To be bright is to be free*

The darkness came in a deep sky of black
Jewels in the sky not seen, for this is what it lacked
But Now the sun has ushered in brightness of the day
My heart is filled with happiness sent on its way
The feeling of Love pulls me through intuitively
I feel the easy effort, I walk with my heart so free 

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