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Livedrive Backup just became even more powerful

Livedrive Backup makes it so easy to backup your files safely online and access them from anywhere. This is because the Livedrive Desktop Software – which is installed on your PC or Mac – works seamlessly in the background to protect your files as you work. Livedrive are excited to announce that a new version of the Desktop Software is being rolled out to all of our customers over the next two weeks, and features a range of improvements to Livedrive Backup.
If you already have the Livedrive Desktop Software installed then you will be prompted to update it at some point over the next two weeks. Simply follow the on-screen instructions to upgrade the software – you will be guided through the process and it only takes a few minutes. If you don’t have the software installed yet, or if you want to upgrade sooner, then you can download the latest version from your web portal. Just log in to your Livedrive account online and go to Account Settings > Software download.
The newest version of the Desktop Software is available for both Windows and Mac customers, and includes the following improvements.
Backup of in-use files
The new software will back up files even when they’re in use, and won’t ever lock your files while they’re being backed up. So you can now be confident that your Outlook database and Office documents are being backed up – even if you’ve got Outlook or the document open.
Partial upload support for Outlook files and more
The new software will only upload changed portions of Outlook PST files and selected other file types, making it easier to keep large, frequently changing files safely backed up. We’re constantly reviewing the types of files that are available for partial upload, but currently we support ZIP, DMG, PST and DAT files. Let us know if you have other common file formats that would benefit!
Flexible scheduling
You can choose times when you don’t want Livedrive to be backing up your files, so that users with slower or older computers can disable backup when their PC is busy. To modify the schedule, simply right click on the Livedrive icon near your clock and select Manage Backups, and then click on Backup Settings. You can choose the times that you want backup to run from this screen:

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