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Dancing with the Stars:' Ricki Lake thanks fans for support

The star Ricki Lake has taken to her official Twitter account to voice her thanks for the support that has been shown to her by the fans, as she has competed on Dancing with the Stars. Lake is teamed up with pro dance partner Derek Hough, and they have performed some amazing dances together. Last night, Lake received a perfect score for the samba, and she has been a fan favorite ever since the show began this season.
Ricki Lake wrote via Twitter: "Thank u to everyone for all the love & kind words. It's definitely helped to get me this far. Kiss kiss Xoxo "
There is much support for all of the remaining stars on the show, and it remains to be seen which of those stars will make it to the finals. The cast has shown much improvement week after week, and the fans have been watching the show each week, and voting for their favorite performances.
What do you think of what Ricki Lake performed on the show last night? Are you excited to tune in to the show tonight to see which of the stars have made it to the finals? What was your favorite performance on the night?
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