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Domain Name Forwarding and Search Engines

You own a single site, but several domains - perhaps you want to ensure that even if your customers misspelled your domain name they reach your site, or perhaps you would like a specific domain name directly to a page in deep within your site - whatever the case, there are important considerations in relation to domain names routing to a single multi-site and search engine submission. Search engines like Google and Yahoo will not always wait around you submit a site - Google and Yahoo Slurp (which you can recognize your server logs if your site has been for a couple of weeks) are constantly running up through of new domain names to index. It's a good thing - unless your domain names are sent incorrectly.

What domains name wrong now? Many major domain name registrars to offer "Domain Name Forwarding" feature, but can be the easiest way to forward a domain can cause real problems for search engine spiders like Googlebot or Yahoo Slurp Such visit. Event: a spider search engine spider to pull the domain visit the site using the domain name to route your domain registrar domain registrar to use a temporary redirect (probably because it is assumed that the owner of the domain name to a new hosting account sooner or later), frames or other spiders incorrect shipping method to crawl your site domains yahoo.

But what happened? Your domain name registrar has done its job, and sent the spider to its present site when he visited the domain name registered. The spider did his job and read the contents of the page or pages it finds, and then integrate them into search engine index. Everything is domains yahoo, right? When search engine spider read the page, is associated with your alternate domain name, it is assumed that the transmission of your primary domain name. This means that the search engine is really what will soon be identified as duplicate content - and, after years of site management is trying to sell Viagra on the sly by duplicating their content across hundreds of pages, search engines now respond to duplicate content with a decrease in your ranking.

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