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Speech to Text Conversion in Windows 7

Ever since the first batch of personal computers was developed, computer makers are relentlessly trying their best to make PCs faster, efficient and user friendly. Over the passage of time, many improvements have been made in all three dimensions and still continue. However, a few things didn’t change much, such as the keyboard. If you have a keyboard lying around somewhere that is 10 to 15 years old, you can still plug it into your PC and won’t feel much of a difference.

Besides, the keyboard has remained the most used preferred input device enabling us to enter data or information into the computer. One might ask, if there is anything that could actually replace the keyboard as an alternative input device to feed data or information? Only probable answer could be – a microphone. Instead of typing the words, why not just speak over a microphone and let the microphone deliver the sound to the computer? Let the computer upon receiving the sounds of our speeches, transform them into texts written in an MS Word file.

Speech to text conversion has been researched for almost two decades and the technology has improved to the extent where it is possible today to use it as an alternative input mechanism for the computer with reasonable satisfaction. It is sort of like putting your car in cruise control mode and taking your feet off of the accelerator.

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