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Speech Recognition Training Tips

During this training session, several sentences will appear one by one in sequence and you will have to speak them loud and clear so that the computer could get itself familiar with your style of speaking the words. There is a progress indicator on the same screen, and one should complete the entire step before quitting the training session.

As you have trained the computer to some extent, you may now open a blank MS Word document and say something on the microphone. This time, your computer should be able to recognize your voice lot better and be able to generate the texts from your speeches automatically. If you think more improvement is necessary, go ahead and carry on with the same training session once again, and then come back to MS Word and test the accuracy and improvement as you perform each cycle of training.

I must mention here that, if the gap between what you say on the microphone and how the computer recognizes them is too large after performing one cycle of speech training, it would be better not to waste time with the same PC / laptop and the microphone. As I said earlier, you need to be well equipped in terms of hardware, to get that working with a good degree of satisfaction.

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