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Don’t Do Dull Dinner Dates

In my observations of the dating scene (both singles and married couples) the most common date is the dinner date. It’s a natural fit as we all need to eat and no one really enjoys eating alone. Also, going out for dinner takes much less effort than cooking at home.
If you are getting a little bored with the typical dinner date, there are some ways of livening things up. In most mid-sized to large cities there are places where you can go for dinner and enjoy entertainment at the same time.
An example of a unique dining experience is a Mystery Dinner. Some restaurants invite local actors to perform a murder mystery play in the midst of diners who are supposed to guess "who done it" by the time dessert is served.
Cigar/wine dinners are becoming a booming industry. Some of the finer restaurants are having several course pre-planned dinners with different exotic cigars/wines served throughout the evening. You will have to lay out a bit more cash than the average dinner but they make a wonderful special occasion.
How about eating a meal while laughing hysterically? If this sounds like fun to you then you might want to look for a comedy club nearby that serves meals. I would recommend knowing a little about the comedian before you make reservations. Some can be extremely crude, which might not be the type of humor you or your date would enjoy.
Dinner and a movie seem to go hand in hand so dinner theaters are a natural fit. These movie houses usually show second-run films while you are enjoying your meal. The price of admission is usually much lower than what you would pay to see a newly released film so it is even less expensive than your average "dinner and a movie" date.
Dinner dates are great -- as long as they aren’t dull.

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