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How To Start Speech Recognition in Windows 7

1. Let’s go to windows start menu and select control panel from the menu on the right.

2. You should reach the screen as shown in image 1. Make sure you are viewing items “by category” on the top right corner, not as small or large icons.

3. Now let’s go ahead and click “Ease of Access” as shown in image 1 above.

4. You will reach the screen shown in image 2 below. At this point, you can do two things – setup your microphone or start speech recognition straight away. In any case, it would be better to click on “set up microphone” option, and then run few tests on the microphone, check everything is all set and then click on “start speech recognition

5. The speech recognition screen will launch as shown in image 3. At the beginning it is in the sleep mode and will be displaying the word “sleeping”

6.  Just clicking on the “power up” button as shown in the arrow key, will turn it on as shown in image 4, and now it will display “Listening

With this, you have actually put your PC in speech recognition mode and the PC will now try to understand every word you speak on the microphone. If you open a blank document in MS word and say something over your microphone, you will notice that the PC itself is typing texts as you speak. However, whether it types the right word or not, could be a different issue altogether. Before it could produce any acceptable quality texts from the sounds it captures, it is necessary to train the PC with the kind of tone and accent you have, so that the PC could learn and recognize your speeches accurately.



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