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Little Housewife on the prairie

Little Housewife on the prairie

The Husband and I just got back from our Christmas excursion to his family house.  There was massive amounts of food, pillaged wrapping paper everywhere, and it was a lot of fun.  Then there was this one night..

Let me set the scene for you.  You see, The Husband's family owns a ton of land.  They do not actually farm the land since The Father-in-law is a doctor, so they rent out the land to a farmer.  The farmer usually plants in the summer and brings in some sort of livestock in the winter.  This winter, there were cows.  The Husband's family house basically had cows in their 'front lawn'.

The nearest neighbor is 1/2 a mile away, and they also have livestock (sheep) for the winter.  Suffice to say, there are coyote problems.  And as neighbors, they all look out for each others animals, and when a coyote comes too close, they pull out a gun.

So Friday night, the cows were mooing oddly.  The coyotes can't do anything to the cows, but they can sure bring down a sheep or two.  And so while the womenfolk were in the kitchen, the menfolk grabbed their guns and headed out.

I was a little dumbfounded.  I'd never stepped foot on a working farm until I met The Husband, and now it seemed that my man was about to go bag himself a coyote.  I felt like I should be wearing bloomers and ring a triangle to call in the boys for dinner.  Weird.

But it was weirdly hot.  You know, in that lumberjack, burly man type of way.  He can take my bloomers off anytime.

FYI, they didn't get anything.  Just fired off a few warning shots and they ran away.

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