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How To Stay Erect Longer And Last Long In Bed

How to stay long on Bed and Sex
Men who know how to stay erect longer have a far greater chance of lasting long in bed and pleasuring their partner sexually. If you can stay erect longer with a hard penis, you'll multiply the chances of satisfying a woman and helping her on the way to an orgasm.

There is a lot of fuss among men about ejaculation control and lasting longer, but let's remember that staying hard is just as important. If you lose your erection after 5 or 10 minutes, you could be on the slippery path to impotence.

Obviously, you want to stop the disturbing issue of weak erections dead in its tracks before you become unable to achieve an erection at all. The following 5 tips help you to stay hard for longer and are all natural.

1. Boosting Testosterone
Often (but not always) low testosterone levels are the cause of erection problems. Impotence, soft erections and losing your hardness can sometimes be traced to low testosterone levels in men. Taking supplements is a great way of boosting testosterone naturally as is exercise and optimal nutrition habits.

2. Boost Circulation
As we age, our choice of nutrition can negatively impact blood circulation. Hard erections and being able to stay erect longer depend on your blood circulation being optimal. When plaques begin to form in blood vessels, they tend to restrict blood flow. Smoking also causes poor blood flow in the penile area.
Losing weight, eliminating sugar, reducing carbs and regular intense exercise helps you to improve your circulation naturally. Certain herbs such as L-Arginine, Ginseng, Pomegranate and Ginkgo are fantastic natural circulation boosters. Some refer to these herbs as nature's erection pills.

3. Penile Massage
You can give your penis help by massaging the penile area and testicles regularly. This is an excellent way to improve your sexual health. Massaging this area is a great natural boost to your erections and helps blood vessels to dilate, allowing blood to stay longer in your penis for better, longer-lasting erections.

4. Eat The Right Foods
Eating the best foods is about avoiding junk food, reducing carbs, avoiding white flour foods and avoiding sugar. If you can give up soda drinks and junk food, it's already a good start.
Eat more cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli and sprouts. This will help to keep your estrogen levels low and testosterone levels high. Eating more organic foods and drinking filtered water is great for boosting libido naturally, or for avoiding erectile dysfunction problems.

5. Avoid Alcohol & Meds
Alcohol puts a strain on the liver when consumed too regularly. The liver removes toxins and estrogen excesses from the blood. When the liver struggles to do its job, the body suffers, including erections.
Drink less alcohol for optimal liver performance, and consider taking milk thistle extract supplements to detox your liver now and again.

Taking medication too regularly can also weigh heavily on your liver and disrupt hormonal activity. Be wary of blood pressure meds, hair loss treatments, cholesterol meds and antidepressants.

An increasingly common problem in today's world is erectile dysfunction. Having erection problems means that you may lose your erection, be capable of achieving soft erections only, or that you may even be completely impotent and unable to perform.

While it is true that resolving erection issues using medication is possible, it makes sense to search for all natural solutions before considering what may turn out to be costly medication with negative side effects.
Natural solutions can help you to understand the causes of impotence and consequently, you may be able to solve your erection problems without taking medication and remain healthy and balanced.


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