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Why Vacation Sex Is Good For Your Relationship

Vacation Sex Is Good For Your Relationship
In the earlier stages, it can be easier for a couple to keep their sexual spark alive. As time goes on, daily life often gets in the way of intimacy. However, that does not have to be the case. Your significant other and you can spice up things in the bedroom by taking a little vacation together. Even a night or two in a local motel may be all you need to recreate that passion again.

Studies have indicated that couples actually have sex more frequently when they are on vacation than at home. As many as one-third of vacationers are able to relax and allow themselves to enjoy the sexual aspect of the relationship, without the worries and stresses that come with life at home. Even couples who are very happy together often struggle for time to fulfill their sexual needs and wants all of the time. This is particularly true when families have children at home. While little ones require a sitter, leaving older children at home comes with a different set of concerns.

One of the reasons that couples tend to bond sexually and otherwise while on a vacation of any sort is that it becomes an "us vs. them" mentality in some ways. It separates the couple from the anxiety and stresses that are at home while providing a support while they are away. Even small experiences that are frustrating on vacation can actually improve this bond. Take for example a broken ice machine or annoying guest on the other side of the wall. While these are annoying, by facing them together, you actually become stronger as a couple.

When faced with the challenges that come with a vacation, the couple bond grows and so does arousal. Being alone again in the motel room can be a way for the couple to further the bond through sexual activity. Returning from the stressful act of being in the strange environment together and retreating to a comfortable bed may be all that you need to get the mood going.

When couples are falling in love and first learning about each other, they will often spend a great deal of time opening up to one another. This may include late nights chatting about anything and everything that the two of you can imagine. However, this type of self-expansion begins to wear off after a while. As regular life sets in, you go to bed on time and already know a great deal about one another. However, by taking on new experiences, you can rekindle that original expansion.

The novelty of new experiences affects the brain in a different manner than those that the person has been through before. This has been proven through scientific studies that have used pictures and related means to test the participants. The levels of dopamine that are in a person increase with new experiences. This is one of the reasons that some people particularly enjoy challenging themselves with new situations.

Your dopamine levels will begin to rise just on anticipation of a get-a-way with your partner. This can benefit you now and when you actually take your miniature vacation at a nearby motel or hotel for an evening away from it all.

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